Jun 9, 2015

In Focus: Added Value of Training for Internal Auditors in Public Sector in Montenegro

Ms. Ana Krsmanović, Director General of the DG for Central Harmonization at the Ministry of Finance, Montenegro shared testimony on the importance and quality of Training of Internal Auditors in the Public Sector (TIAPS) in Montenegro. The training for the third generation of Montenegrin public officials was launched with the support of project partners: the German Government, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the CEF in April 2015.

"The Ministry of Finance of Montenegro has adopted the legal and institutional framework for the establishment and development of an effective internal audit system. We are now for the third year implementing together with the donors, the German Government, CEF and CIPFA, the Training for Internal Auditors in the Public Sector with the aim to strengthen the capacities of public sector internal auditors.

Data on the internal audit function in the public sector for the last four years clearly show the success of this program and the commitment of the Government of Montenegro to manage the taxpayers’ money responsibly and transparently. In 2011, 60% of total budget spending was covered by the internal audit function, while today this ratio is over 96% and the number of auditors, audits and recommendations has grown too. Through the quality assurance program we have recognized improvement in the quality of internal auditors` reports as well as the recommendations of auditors. In 2011, approximately 40% of the given recommendations were implemented, while in 2014 this ratio stood at around 80%.

So far 27 program participants successfully finished the program in the first year and 17 in the second year, which shows that both the trainees and the general public sector consider the program to be important and needed. We hope that in the third year of the training program Montenegro’s public sector will gain 40 new certified internal auditors.

What makes Montenegro specific is that all lecturers are local. Several trainees that have already completed the certification program have expressed their interest and will to participate and be included in the program also in the future, being appointed as young lecturers.

The training and certification program enables individuals to gain internationally recognized certificates, and expert internal auditors are the key for the success of the internal audit function in the public sector."