Dec 2, 2015

Emerging Donors on the Future of Knowledge Sharing

We participated at the United Nations Development Programme – UNDP high-level workshop on the Future of Knowledge Sharing. Together with officials from new and emerging donor and partner countries we reviewed the new priority themes, sectors and modalities of knowledge and expertise sharing and discussed what would improve effectiveness in knowledge sharing and how could peer-to-peer networks better support sharing of learnings.

Jana Repanšek, CEF Deputy Director led a discussion on practical ways to increase institutional capacities for knowledge sharing. In her presentation she focused on how to ensure the alignment between technical knowledge and the need to make the knowledge sharing experience more effective for partners. This includes moving from being experts solely in technical areas, such as public finance, to also being experts on learning and knowledge sharing.

The workshop held in Istanbul on November 24–27, 2015 looked at the progress made by emerging donors and partners to understand trends and realities that affect future development and to design the future of knowledge sharing in the region, taking into account the valuable perspective of partner countries’ experience. The workshop also served to identify future capacity development needs of donors on their way to provide more effective development assistance and share transition knowledge.