Apr 4, 2024

The Role of LearnOrgLab Project in Shaping Collaborative Organizational Culture at the National Bank of Moldova

Working closely with the National Bank of Moldova (NBM), we are actively engaged in the implementation of a transformative project centered on cultivating a culture of knowledge sharing within the NBM and fostering its transformation into a learning organization. To gain insights into the project's impact and outcomes, we had the pleasure of talking with Nicolina Binchevici, Olesea Cobzari, Grigore Frimu, and Alexandru Furdui. Their perspectives show diverse experiences and contributions that have shaped the ongoing success of our collaborative efforts with the NBM.

Both Mr. Furdui and Ms. Cobzari share a common understanding of the crucial role played by the NBM LearnOrgLab project in supporting the transformation of the NBM’s organizational culture. The designed project activities aim to shape a dynamic and collaborative organizational culture at the NBM. Mr. Frimu highlights the positive impact of this cultural shift on employee perspectives, emphasizing the importance of knowledge sharing and highlighting the broader institutional benefits derived from a culture of open communication and knowledge sharing. Furthermore, Ms. Binchevici acknowledges the project's value in creating an open communication environment and facilitating the exchange of knowledge. She emphasizes that such a conducive atmosphere for knowledge sharing would not be achievable without the foundation of trust. 

All four colleagues regard the Train of Trainers (ToT) workshops as exceptionally impactful and inspirational. “The ToT workshops played a crucial role in establishing the foundation for the ToT community at the Bank, which I believe will significantly enhance the NBM’s learning capacity,” said Mr. Furdui. The workshop’s participatory approach not only encouraged active engagement but also revealed several possibilities for organizing effective learning activities, as pointed out by Ms. Cobzari. Ms. Binchevici also expressed appreciation for the fact that all activities were tailored to their needs and emerged from the challenges faced in the process of knowledge sharing and training event delivery. This personalized approach contributed to the effectiveness of the learning experiences. Additionally, Mr. Frimu highlighted the usefulness of participating in a job shadowing program and spending time at the CEF, gaining firsthand experience of the CEF's transformation into a learning organization.

When asked about the personal, team, and organizational benefits arising from the LearnOrgLab project, the responses highlight a range of positive outcomes. On a personal level, colleagues have experienced professional development in different areas, including improved communication skills, enhanced confidence in delivering presentations, and the development of training competencies. 

On a team level, the LearnOrgLab project primarily has fostered greater unity among team members, bringing them into closer alignment with shared goals. This has become crucial in their role as ambassadors for the institution's ongoing change and transformation. Mr. Furdui shares his perspective, noting, “Being challenged to develop new workshops on topics we had not covered before helped me gain fresh experience and knowledge on Organizational Culture Strategy Development. This endeavor provided an invaluable opportunity to put theory into practice under the guidance of skilled experts. “ Overall, the LearnOrgLab project has become a catalyst for team development, equipping them to effectively handle various challenges and stay on top of evolving learning and knowledge sharing methodologies.

From an organizational perspective, one of the significant benefits is the improvement in communication within departments. The project has played a key role in fostering a culture of open communication, breaking down silos, and promoting a more collaborative environment. “The project is about changing the mindset and approach to learning. It facilitates the transformation into an institution that continuously learns and capitalizes on every opportunity for growth and development,” concludes Ms. Binchevici.