Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

Implementing the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Jan 10, 2014


On December 10, the third meeting of the working group on institutional capacity took place in Ljubljana, at the CEF. The working group fits within the Priority Area 10 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region dealing with institutional capacity and regional cooperation that the CEF is coordinating together with the City of Vienna. The working group on institutional capacity comprises representatives of 18 institutions, mainly public administration academies, specialized training institutions and others from ten Danube region countries and two international organizations.

At the meeting, the participants learned about technical assistance and funding options available for Danube region projects initiated in 2014. They also discussed future orientation of the working group and proposed a number of initiatives at the policy and project level that the working group representatives will focus on in 2014. In particular, they brainstormed about enhanced cooperation options and possible project ideas that the working group could engage in in the future. The next meeting of the working group will take place in spring.

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