Center of Excellence in Finance
Learning and Regional Cooperation in South East Europe

SPB Newsfeed: Beneficiaries on Positive Impact of the SPB Project at Regional Tour

Sep 2, 2015


Our team is touring the Western Balkans and Turkey to collect feedback from participants of our EU-funded multi-beneficiary project on Strategic Planning and Budgeting. Together with our partners, we delivered 21 SPB learning and networking activities over 2.5 years; the final two events taking place in mid-September. Beneficiaries shared what they learned and how they applied the newly gained knowledge at work. Their stories confirm the positive feedback shared during project implementation. They emphasize strengthened governance for growth, in particular with respect to designing and implementing medium-term macro-fiscal frameworks, and stimulating regional cooperation and exchange of good practice.

Back-to-back to the summer holidays, we have scheduled meetings with representatives of more than 50 institutions having a stake in strategic planning and budgeting processes, in particular those who participated in SPB activities. CEF Coordinators (nominated representatives supporting us in strategically developing capacities of CEF constituency institutions) and SPB beneficiaries’ liaison officers in the Project Steering Committee helped us arrange joint meetings that bring together representatives of several institutions, usually at the ministry of finance.

The tour helps us assure that our future learning initiatives optimally meet the needs of the region. With the support of the region, and in close cooperation with our partners, we will continue and deepen the impact of the SPB project in future.

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