Impact Assessment of Structural Reforms for Policy Experts
About this learning event
The objective of this event is for policy experts to reach an understanding of the impact channels of their reforms in qualitative terms. Experts will discuss with participants how to link the expected impact of reforms with the identified obstacles and outcome indicators (KPIs) and pay attention to clear elaboration (writing) on the expected impact. We will touch upon judgment-based methods for quantification of the expected impact by talking about data sources, statistical concepts, and methodology on using data for simple impact assessments. They will be based on practical examples and Excel exercises. Cases of impact assessment in ERPs and in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans of member states will be presented.
Target audience
ERP working group members and other officials of policy and analytical departments of line ministries and ministries of finance; officials of other public institutions with the capacity to conduct impact assessment.
- Janez Šušteršič, CEF Associate Fellow, Former Minister of Finance, Slovenia
- Tijana Stanković, CEF Expert, Former Assistant Minister, Ministry of Finance of Montenegro
- Erviola Nelaj, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Albania
- Stefan Aleksić, Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, Montenegro
- Janez Kušar, Head of the Economic Modelling Department, Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Slovenia
- Dijana Ilić Zogović, Assisstant director of Sector for Public Policy Development and Promotion, Public Policy Secretariat, Republic of Serbia
- Ninoslav Kekić, Assisstant director of Sector for quality assurance of public policies, Public Policy Secretariat, Republic of Serbia
Practical information
Travel and accommodation costs will be funded for up to two officials per country from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Officials from other CEF constituency countries and beyond are also welcome to apply however they would have to obtain funding from their sending institution (or another donor) to cover these costs. No fee will be charged, and meals and refreshments during the event will be provided to all selected participants.
Applications need to be submitted no later than April 26 via the online application form. Candidates will first be approved by the CEF; confirmations will be sent to selected candidates by April 28.
The workshop will take place at the CEF premises in Ljubljana. The workshop will be delivered in English and no translation will be provided.
Detailed information on the conditions of entry into the Republic of Slovenia related to the COVID-19 pandemic is available on the website:
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence
This learning initiative was supported by:
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