Apr 22, 2020

April 22: Earth Day

This year we are marking 50 years of Earth Day, an annual global celebration to raise awareness on environmental issues. In our operations we keep a close eye how we can protect environment.

Back in 2016 we have successfully launched Go Green initiative through which we no longer print materials for the learning initiatives we run at our premises. We make course materials available to participants for download only. We have further upgraded the Go Green policy by also changing our office’s printing habits. We no longer have printers in our offices but rather one joint printer per office floor. This has helped us significantly lower the quantity of printed documents. Next step will include opting to use the recycled paper.

Recently we also launched an internal survey with the aim to collect ideas how we can further apply green policy at our organization and make a conscious effort towards protecting the environment. Some of the suggestions include eco-friendly corporate gifts made from recycled materials, whenever feasible use less plastic, explore options to get CEF team accounts for using of the electro cars, public cycling schemes, and similar.

Being conscious of our carbon footprint, we will also continue joining international and local environmental initiatives such as United Nations World Bicycle Day and European Mobility Week. We are proud that many of the CEF staff use eco and health friendly means of transportation daily on their way to work. 

We are excited to try out some of the suggestions we have come up with and see the impact of our modest contribution to becoming more economical and environmentally minded.