Feb 3, 2022

Knowledge Management at the Heart of Discussions with CEF Coordinators

We started our 2022 learning season by meeting our Coordinators who work at the regional tax administrations and central banks. The CEF Coordinators are human resources professionals working at the ministries of finance, tax administrations and central banks in our constituency. They are also an integral part of our governance structure.

Apart from supporting regional tax administrations in strengthening their compliance risk management strategies, our Tax Policy and Administration learning program also aims to support tax administrations in developing knowledge sharing culture in their own working environments. In this regard, we were happy to exchange best practices for developing staff capacities. We also discussed how knowledge-sharing needs to be developed as a mental model change and how this would impact positively the attitude and behavior of an institution's staff.

In addition to exploring benefits of knowledge sharing, we spoke with CEF coordinators at the central banks also about the learning and knowledge sharing plans for the next medium-term period and how we can best work together on development of employees in central banks.

The online meetings took place on January 19 and February 1, 2022 respectively.