Jan 15, 2016

OECD/G20 BEPS Project Outcomes Presented at CEF

Together with the Slovenian Ministry of Finance we hosted a round table discussion where Pascal Saint-Amans, Director of Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, and David Bradbury, Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division, both from OECD presented the final package of measures within the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting ‪Project.

On the occasion Mr. Dušan Mramor,  Minister of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia, expressed his full support for the BEPS project. In his welcome remarks Minister Mramor explained that the aim of the BEPS project is to curve tax avoidance by multinationals and ensure that profits are taxed where economic activities generating  the profits are performed  and where value is created. He also pointed out that it is of a crucial importance to increase tax fairness and integrity of the tax systems as these are also the principles that are in line with the aims of the Slovenian tax policy.

Mr. Saint-Armans and Mr. Bradbury presented the 15 BEPS action items which equip governments with the domestic and international instruments needed to tackle BEPS. They also emphasized on the importance of working together to develop solutions to the global tax issues, and recognized that the implementation of BEPS measures will be the next big challenge for countries worldwide. Irena Popovič, Director General of System of Tax, Custom and Other Public Finance Revenues at the Slovenian Ministry of Finance, agreed with OECD guests that BEPS is a global problem which requires global solutions. In her presentation she outlined BEPS related plans that Slovenian Ministry of Finance aims to implement in 2016.

The round table discussion was concluded with a presentation on the role of capacity development programs that will be of a significant importance in supporting the work of tax administrations in their efforts to effectively and efficiently implement the BEPS solutions to complex international tax issues. Tina Žagar presented CEF's role in supporting SEE countries in their attempts to strengthen national tax systems in fight against tax evasion and tax avoidance practices and standardize compliance requirements.

The event took place at the CEF on January 13, 2016 and was chaired by Mateja Vraničar Erman, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Finance.