Aug 28, 2019

We Cooperate Closely With Dutch Ministry of Finance

The Dutch Ministry of Finance is one of the CEF’s most important partners in delivering our program workshops and seminars. Working with the CEF is a key part of their outreach to transition countries. In turn, the partnership has allowed us to expand our course offerings and deepen their quality. Dutch experts frequently serve as guest lecturers in two to three-day missions. These in-kind contributions to the CEF offer a solid platform for an effective experience sharing and peer learning. The workshops allow participants to benefit from Dutch experience and lessons learned, while lecturers gain a perspective on the challenges and progress in reforms across CEF member countries. Angelique van Haasteren, Technical Assistance Coordinator at Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands on cooperation with the CEF:

«The Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands supports the CEF tax training program because it aims to contribute to strengthened capacities of tax administrations in the countries that share our constituencies at the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. These are also countries served by the CEF. Through our funding and experts, we would like to enhance the skills of tax officials and bolster their reform efforts. In this way, the program supports our policy of targeted knowledge transfer, and a genuine exchange of views and experiences with the ministries of finance and tax administrations in our constituency countries.»