Jan 28, 2021

Continuous Learning for Better Costing of Structural Reforms

Being nominated by the Government of the Republic of Srpska as the entity coordinator for the Economic Reform Programme (ERP), Ms. Jelena Popović takes professional interest in attending learning and knowledge sharing initiatives that we have been delivering as a continuation of the CEF’s support to the European Union candidate and potential candidate countries in preparation of their ERPs. As she is involved in delivering macro and revenue projections, and also calculates the fiscal effects of changes in the tax regulation, she was highly motivated to join learning opportunities that address issues related to the costing of structural reforms in the ERP. We invite you to read Ms. Popović’s thoughts on course proceedings, including the aspects that she found most helpful to her day-to-day professional role.

“This is a great opportunity to thank the CEF for being available to each of us through alternative ways of communication and for organizing online courses during this difficult situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I attended the following online courses in 2020:

  • Knowledge Sharing on Costing of Structural Reforms: Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 29 – November 20
  • Coordination Schemes in Costing Structural Reforms: Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 30 – October 16.

These events were delivered as part of the EU funded project “Strengthening Line Ministries’ Capacities to Assess Fiscal Implications of Structural Reforms”, implemented by the CEF.

I would like to emphasize the importance of practical work during the sessions. It is always more interesting and easier to acquire knowledge through practical work. The costing and budgeting of structural reforms is something that we are still working on and trying to improve. During these training events, we had a chance to learn about the Costing Guidance and how to practically implement it in the preparation of inputs for the ERP.

As the coordinator for the Economic Reform Program in the Republic of Srpska, communication with line ministries and other institutions is very frequent during the drafting of the document. All team members from line ministries need to expand their knowledge of the ERP development process, which was one of the assignments during the workshop. Creating a diagram of this process was also a good way to identify the challenges and flaws of the process. It can be used to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the process.

Additionally, I fully support the idea of establishing the Network of Regional Experts in Structural Reforms, which gives us the opportunity to meet colleagues from the region and learn about the ERP practices in other countries. This is a very useful way of communication and learning, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At present, I am trying to apply all the acquired knowledge in preparing the ERP in the Republic of Srpska. It is crucial to work on yourself and to improve yourself through constant learning. The CEF is a perfect place for gaining new knowledge, practices and ideas that are applicable in my everyday duties.”