Dec 22, 2022

Year in Review: Our 2022 Highlights

As the year approaches to its end, I would like to take time to reflect on our accomplishments and share them with you. My colleagues and I are very grateful for the collaboration we have with so many individuals, teams and institutions that care and for our collective efforts in support of the reform processes in South East Europe.

Some highlights of 2022 include:

  • We have once more fully delivered our learning and knowledge-sharing program. We have successfully addressed topics that have been recognized as strategic priorities in the region, including post-Covid financial recovery, green financing, and digitalization. We also delivered activities that highlight the importance of intra- and inter-institutional cooperation and systematic knowledge management.
  • We have adjusted the organization of work and again upgraded our learning program by defining four thematic areas of impact: (1) public financial management, (2) central banking, (3) leadership for managing reforms, and (4) learning and knowledge ecosystems.
  • We have redesigned our event’s section of the website to allow you to better engage with us and to navigate through the content easier and faster. 
  • Based on our accumulated knowledge and understanding of our value-added, we published a methodology on how public institutions can become learning organizations. Our focus on people that work with finance as individuals has significantly broadened to addressing team dynamics and organization development.   

We look forward to continuing our strong partnership with institutions and inspiring leaders in South East Europe. We invite you to take a look at the 2023 learning calendar and start making your learning plans for the coming year. 

On behalf of the CEF team, I wish you a happy holiday season and a good start of 2023. 

Jana Repanšek