Programming Structural Reforms for the ERP 2023-2025: Bosnia and Herzegovina
This workshop will be delivered as continuation of the CEF’s support to the European Union (EU) candidates and potential candidates in preparation of their Economic Reform Programmes (ERP) for the period 2023 – 2025. It is aimed at building capacities of line ministries to define structural reforms, estimate their implementation costs and financing resources, in line with the latest European Commission’s (EC) Guidelines for the ERP preparation (published in June 2022).
About this learning event
Structural reform measures outlined in the ERPs are set to tackle the most important structural obstacles to competitiveness and inclusive growth of a country, while also reflecting their medium-term priorities in various areas. In the situation where macro-fiscal stability and fiscal risks are additionally highlighted due to global economic developments, it is even more important that all measures introduced to the ERP are well prioritized and realistically planned, costed and financed.
As a response, the objective of this event is to provide a platform for assessing the scope and accuracy of envisaged implementation costs and funding sources for the measures proposed for the 2023 – 2025 ERP, in line with the Methodological Guidance for Costing of Structural Reforms (CEF Costing Guidance) and the latest EC’s Guidance for the ERP preparation. We will also touch upon the descriptions and activities of the drafted structural reform measures in light of their alignment with the envisaged costs and funding, as well as on the key performance indicators (KPIs) for monitoring SRs.
What will you learn?
This workshop will be highly participatory and oriented towards practical implementation of the CEF Costing Guidance, to the structural reforms drafted for the next ERP. By attending it, the participants will have a possibility to meet and jointly work with their peers from other institutions involved in the ERP preparation process, under the guidance of the ERP Coordination Team, as well as experienced local and international experts. In particular, they will:
- Learn about the novelties from the EC‘s Guidance for the ERP 2023-2025 and how they influence the ERP preparation process
- Refresh the knowledge about the CEF Costing Guidance and practically implement it on the draft measures
- Appraise how well-articulated measures’ description and sequencing can contribute to realistic costs and secured funding for their implementation
- Assessing how to effectively monitor implementation of structural reforms by using KPIs.
The event is designed in close cooperation with the ERP Coordination team in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to secure the specific learning needs are well addressed. It builds on the series of the CEF events for the public officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina, that were delivered under the FISR project throughout 2019 – 2021.
Target audience
Invited to participate are the officials involved in the design, costing and budgeting of structural reforms outlined in the ERP, which include:
- National ERP Coordinator and Coordinator for the ERP Chapter 5 on Structural Reforms
- Members of the working group for the ERP preparation
- Officials working at the finance and IPA departments of line ministries
- Officials working at the budget department of Ministry of Finance
- Policy planning experts from the government’s policy coordination body and/or Prime Ministers’ office.
- Tijana Stanković, CEF Expert
- Merdža Handalić Plahonjić, CEF Expert
- Zoran Zeljko, ERP National Coordinator
Useful Materials
- Guidance for the ERP 2023-2025 of the Western Balkans and Turkey
- Costing Guidance
- Costing Guidance – video
- Practical examples to implement Costing Guidance
- Tips and tricks for writing structural reform measures
- Tips and Tricks to implementing Costing Guidance
Practical information
- This event will take place face-to-face in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- To join the event, please submit the application by October 5, 2022 via online application form
- The event will be held in Bosnian language
- Meals and refreshments during the event will be provided to all participants, while accommodation and transfer for participants working in Sarajevo and Banja Luka will be arranged by CEF
- Upon successful completion of this event, you will receive a certificate
- No participation fee will be charged
This event is delivered as part of the EU-funded multi-beneficiary project “Structural Reforms Better Integrated Within Fiscal Frameworks” (FISR2) implemented by the CEF.
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