The Role of the Supreme Audit Institution in Managing Public Sector Assets
About this learning event
This webinar follows up on a series of CEF events that depicted the potential contribution of SAIs to the better management of public assets. The influence of SAIs on the management of public assets is crucial, as SAI reports carry significant weight. Performance auditing is particularly promising. At this webinar, we will outline how SAIs can contribute to improving the management of public assets by reviewing the efficiency of asset use and providing firm recommendations for governments to act upon. The webinar will also emphasize the importance of follow-ups in monitoring the impact of audit recommendations.
While highly influential, SAIs are not a magic bullet. Greater clarity in regulatory frameworks, supportive information systems, and clearer accountability lines backed by enforcement mechanisms are also needed. This webinar will thus also provide an opportunity for experts to discuss with the audience the matter of revising the enforcement mechanisms related to public sector asset management.
What will you learn
The webinar will focus on, but will not be limited to, depicting the following topics:
- The potential contribution of SAIs to the efficiency of fixed public sector asset use as a component of good public sector governance.
- The importance of developing appropriate enforcement mechanisms related to fixed public sector asset management.
- The outreach of performance auditing
- The contribution of South Eastern Europe’s SAIs to fixed public sector asset management improvement: analysis and discussion of recent audit reports and their implications.
Who should attend
The webinar targets public officials and experts responsible for managing public sector asset portfolios and engaged in the development, execution, or supervision of state asset management (reform) activities in their countries. More precisely, from CEF constituency countries, but also from countries facing similar challenges, our target audience includes:
- Representatives of supreme audit Institutions
- Senior officials (policy makers) at the ministries of finance and other ministries engaged in public-sector fixed asset management
- Public sector managers and directors engaged in asset management processes, in developing and maintaining asset records, and in managing asset portfolios
- Public sector managers and directors engaged in the design and implementation of public sector accounting reforms
- Representatives of academia in the areas of public-sector management, accounting, and auditing
- Politicians with an interest in public sector asset management
- Gorana Roje, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, Croatia; CEF Associate Fellow
- Eugenio Anessi-Pessina, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy
- Dijana Dejanoska Petkovska, Principal Auditor, State Audit Office of North Macedonia
- Božo Vuletić Antić, Assistant Auditor General, State Audit Office of Croatia
- Noel Camilleri, Deputy Auditor General, National Audit Office of Malta
This learning initiative was supported by:
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