
Our efforts are geared toward the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of the established elements of the public internal and financial control (PIFC) framework while also taking into account countries' reform plans in PFM. We continue focusing on improving internal and external accountability mechanisms, and increased effectiveness in the use of public funds. We encourage public sector auditors from ministries of finance, line ministries, central banks, supreme audit institutions (SAIs), and other public sector institutions to enhance their skills and competencies needed to fulfill their mandates and increase the impact of their work. We discuss how the digitalization of the public sector leads to new risks, look into the way risk management can be improved, the internal control system strengthened and protected from corrupt behavior and activities.

Topic lead

Kaja Nadj

Officer, Learning Program


2024 Highlights


In 2024, we will feature several comprehensive and impactful learning initiatives. Firstly, the TIAPS Albania project progresses with modules covering Accounting Fundamentals, Performance Auditing, and concludes with a Graduation Ceremony. "How Auditors and Accountants Can Collaborate to Combat Fraud and Corruption" emphasizes teamwork and equips participants with comprehensive skills. Additionally, "Strengthening Auditors' Analytical Skills" enhances capabilities, and "Managerial Accountability for Performance Budgeting" establishes the vital link between good management and budgeting. The WeLead project will further explore managerial accountability. Considering the digitalization of the public sector, "IT Risk Management" addresses contemporary challenges and is further supported by a knowledge-sharing event on the digitalization of internal audit, drawing on a case study from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Auditing topics will also be discussed in a governance context during events on "Governance and Communication in Central Banks" and "The Role of the Supreme Audit Institution in Managing Public Sector Assets."