Nov 9, 2020

CEF Advisory Board Convenes Virtually

The CEF Advisory Board is an advisory group of experts from the Bank of Slovenia, GIZ, ministries of finance of the Netherlands and Slovakia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, and the National Bank of Belgium. They assist the CEF in designing and coordinating the delivery of its activities. They are also represented in the Governing Board of the CEF.

This year, the focus of the discussion was on the CEF’s strategic direction for the period from 2022 to 2026. We received valuable insight and suggestions on our proposed vision, value-added, and other focuses that comprise our future strategy. The feedback from our Advisory Board is one of the iterative steps in creating our strategy that will also include consultations with our Governing Board, Coordinators, and our affiliated experts.

Advisory Board also renewed the term to its Chair, Ms. Andreja Jerina from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia. They also selected among themselves three members that will represent the Advisory Board in the CEF’s Governing Board from 2022-2025 from the GIZ, Ministry of Finance of Slovakia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia.

This year we had no choice but to meet with our Advisory Board members in an online setting, we hope to see them all in person soon.