Strengthening Capacities for Effective Navigation of Structural Reforms: A Focus on the Reform Agenda
Together with the European Commission (EC) we were pleased to welcome officials from the Western Balkans and Türkiye who coordinate the process of Reform Agenda (RA) and Economic Reform Programme (ERP) preparation, and representatives from the EC Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR). This event marked the launch of the CEF's support for the implementation of the Reform and Growth Facility freshly adopted by the EU Parliament.
In her keynote address, the CEF Director Jana Repanšek stressed the importance of regional cooperation and using existing knowledge to ensure the smooth and successful implementation of the RA. Looking ahead, she assured participants of ongoing CEF’s support for RA Coordination teams. Drawing from the experiences and lessons learned from the ERP process, the CEF aims to provide practical tools and guidance to help teams drive meaningful change and unlock the full potential of their economies.
During the event, participants engaged in constructive dialogues concerning the coordinating and monitoring aspects essential for successful RA implementation. Furthermore, we laid the groundwork to establish a collaborative peer community among the Western Balkans' RA coordination teams, aiming to foster knowledge exchange and skill development necessary for effectively navigating the RA implementation process.
The event also facilitated knowledge exchange on best practices from coordinating the preparation of ERPs and Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs), useful for effective streamlining of the RA implementation and reporting processes. Additionally, a dedicated session highlighted the supportive role of the CEF’s project Structural Reforms Better Integrated Within Fiscal Frameworks” (FISR2) .
The event was delivered as part of the EU-funded multi-beneficiary FISR2 project and took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on May 15-16, 2024.