The “Structural Reforms Better Integrated Within Fiscal Frameworks” (FISR2) is a multi-beneficiary capacity development project funded by the European Union, implemented by CEF in the period 2022-2026.

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About the FISR2 project

Project activities are aimed at:

  • Supporting beneficiaries from Western Balkans and Türkiye in designing and implementing their priority structural reforms to enhance growth, competitiveness, socio-economic convergence, and EU accession, while maintaining fiscal sustainability.
  • Providing support for implementing the Reform Agenda (RA) and preparing the Economic Reform Programme (ERP) document.

We support RA and ERP teams in boosting:

  • Budgetary and strategic planning of structural reforms
  • Impact assessment of structural reforms and monitoring their implementation
  • Coordination and participation across the government in planning and implementing structural reforms
  • Knowledge exchange and knowledge management capacities

Meet the FISR2 team


Tara Poje

Officer, Learning Program


Nina Agić

Senior Officer, Learning Program

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Ajda Turk

Officer, Leadership and Learning Ecosystems

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Tilen Božič

CEF Expert

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Robert Bauchmüller

Chief Officer, Strategy

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Mojca Petrovič

Head of Event Management


Nadja Emeršič

Coordinator, Events

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Želimir Stanić

Specialist, Learning Program

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Şennur Muratoglu

Coordinator, Events

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Bojana Crnadak

Officer, Partnership

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Kristina Bogdan

Specialist, Events

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Kaja Nadj

Officer, Learning Program

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Tina Žagar

Senior Officer, Communications

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Nataša Verbnik

Officer, Operations

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Nataša Purgaj

Coordinator, Events

Who is it for?

The project is designed for EU candidates and potential candidates in the Western Balkans and Türkiye. It engages various public officials across line ministries, ministries of finance, and other relevant public institutions involved in the ERP preparation and RA implementation processes.

Benefits of learning with us

By learning with us participants will:

  • Receive practical guidance for addressing the challenges faced in both RA and ERP processes
  • Enhance budgetary and strategic planning skills for the successful implementation of structural reforms
  • Boost their knowledge on how to assess the impact of structural reforms and monitor their implementation
  • Hone their communication, planning, and decision-making skills required for the smooth running of the RA and ERP processes
  • Extend their professional network and connect with peers from the region, that last beyond delivered events

Join the Network of Regional Experts

  • Network of Regional Experts (NRE) is a community of practice that connects officials from ministries of finance and line ministries in the Western Balkans and Türkiye that are involved in the design, planning, and implementation of structural reforms.
  • Through collaborative efforts, NRE members engage in peer learning and knowledge exchange, with a specific focus on assessing fiscal implications related to implementing structural reforms.
  • To join the NRE send an email to