Charting a Greener Horizon: Navigating Towards Sustainable Public Finances

Sep 25 – 26, 2024 Ljubljana, Slovenia No Fee

About this learning event

The 2024 CEF-CIPFA conference, Charting a Greener Horizon: Navigating Towards Sustainable Public Finances, provides a platform to address critical issues at the intersection of finance, sustainability, and climate change. Featuring a diverse program of presentations, panel discussions, case studies, and networking opportunities, the event will offer an excellent opportunity for public officials, policymakers, and PFM experts to engage in discussions, share knowledge, and collaborate across disciplines. With this event, we aim to support regional initiatives for a greener and more sustainable future, in-line with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and the European Green Deal.

In the focus of the conference will be:

  • raising awareness about the importance of non-financial reporting
  • discussing strategies for rethinking financial reporting and procedures within the context of climate change and sustainability
  • exploring how financial reporting and internal control procedures can adapt current technocratic/instructional practices to cover additional non-financial responsibilities and integrated reporting
  • analyzing how long-term government policies can support the development of sustainable economies

What will you learn

Throughout the conference we will address:

  • Enhanced understanding of sustainability and (non)financial reporting practices.
  • Identification of actionable strategies for adapting financial procedures to climate change and sustainability.
  • Recommendations for mitigating the impact of policy uncertainty.
  • Strategies for addressing data gaps and managing climate risks.
  • Strengthened connections with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and the European Green Deal.

Target audience

The conference targets public officials and experts responsible for addressing sustainability policies in public finances. More precisely:

  • Public sector accountants and internal auditors
  • Sustainability experts and practitioners
  • Policymakers and regulators
  • Academics and researchers


  • Francesca Manes Rossi, Professor, Università di Napoli Federico II
  • Adrian Crompton, Auditor General, Audit Wales
  • Liljana Cvetanovska, Head of Research, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy


Supported by The Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy and the Climate Change Fund of Slovenia


Submit your application today to secure your spot at our course. Deadline for applying to this course is August 26, 2024.
