Apr 9, 2018

You Wanted to Know, We Asked

Would you like to know what euroization is or how Serbia fights its shadow economy? We invite you to browse through short interviews with top-notch experts from international organizations, ministries of finance, central banks from SEE region and elsewhere that we publish under our website rubric You Wanted to Know, We Asked. Experts cover interesting issues from accounting, auditing, budget preparation and execution, tax policy and administration, central banking and leadership.

As a learning institution we aim to offer access to the most relevant thematic knowledge in user-friendly formats. We make videos, typically short interviews with experts at our learning initiatives which we refer to as learning nuggets. They offer a concise overview of recent developments, touching upon some of the most challenging questions raised by participants and interesting topics covered by the learning initiatives.

All are published in the rubric You Wanted to Know, We Asked.