Coordinated implementation of the Reform Agenda and/or preparation of the 2025-2027 ERP (beneficiary-specific workshops in Western Balkans)

Oct or Nov, 2024 Western Balkans and Türkiye No Fee

About this learning event

This event marks a continuation of the CEF's commitment offered to supporting European Union (EU) candidates and potential candidates. It is designed to support the initiation of the Reform Agenda (RA) implementation process and the preparation of the 2025-2027 Economic Reform Program (ERP) inline with the latest European Commission Guidelines.

The event will be delivered during autumn 2024 as a two-day face-to-face workshop, in the Western Balkans beneficiaries of the FISR2 Project.

Its content will be tailored to the specific beneficiry needs and may address the following topics:

  • Estimate costs of quantitative and qualitative steps of reforms from the RA in line with the Methodology for Costing and Budgeting Reforms from the RA
  • Prepare a coordination plan for implementation of the RA, while promoting active inclusion of Line ministries
  • Establish processes and templates for reporting on the progress in implementation of the RA (internally and to the EC)
  • Build skills needed for assessing the economic and employment impact of the key structural reforms from the RA.

    Target audience

    RA and ERP Coordinators, RA and ERP preparation working group members from line ministries and ministries of finance.


    This event is delivered as part of the EU-funded multi-beneficiary project “Structural Reforms Better Integrated Within Fiscal Frameworks” (FISR2) implemented by the CEF.

    Funded by the European Union